Monday, 17 October 2016

Q1B - Audience Summarised

Hypodermic Needle Theory - Frankfurt School - Germany between the wars 20s and 30s - the rise of Hitler and the influence of the mass media on the public - related to film - also known as the effects model - audience is passive.

Cultivation Theory - George Gerbner - keep seeing a representation on the media and it reinforces a stereotype- people who watch soaps think there is more divorce in society than there actually is - tv and advertising - passive audience.

Roland Barthes - Myths are created in society by the media.

2 Step Flow - Paul Lazarsfel - opinion leaders influence society more than the original text does - this relates to film critics influencing you to watch a movie .

Uses and Gratifications - a text can inform, entertain, cause you to identify with the characteristics in the text, meet your social needs.

Stuart Hall - Reception Theory - Texts are created by producers with a meaning in mind that might be  read differently by an audience due to their social or cultural backgrounds - Preferred or dominant reading, oppositional reading and negotiated reading - (oppositional would be: if a sympathetic character in a soap has an affair then an audience of very religious Christians would no like the character anymore)

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - media texts meet the needs of an audience - e.g. some car ads sell the car on its safety; aftershave adverts sell sex; Coke adverts sell the idea of friendship.

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